How to maintain your beautiful blonde

Which purple shampoo is right for you?
Purple shampoo is a must for blondes to use in between salon colour visits. It can also help copper tones from going brassy too.
Which purple shampoo is right for you?
Purple shampoo is a must for blondes to use in between salon colour visits. It can also help copper tones from going brassy too.

How often should I use purple shampoo?
Rodney Wayne Creative and Education Director, Newton Cook has the answers. For those who tend to go brassy quite fast and prefer a cooler blonde, Newton recommends ‘Use your purple...
How often should I use purple shampoo?
Rodney Wayne Creative and Education Director, Newton Cook has the answers. For those who tend to go brassy quite fast and prefer a cooler blonde, Newton recommends ‘Use your purple...

How long should I leave purple shampoo in for?
Rodney Wayne Creative and Education Director, Newton Cook has the answers. The short answer is that it depends on your tendency to go brassy, whether your hair receives colour easily,...
How long should I leave purple shampoo in for?
Rodney Wayne Creative and Education Director, Newton Cook has the answers. The short answer is that it depends on your tendency to go brassy, whether your hair receives colour easily,...